Hurricane Watch Net Turning 60, Seeking Net Control Operators


The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), founded on Labor Day weekend 1965, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025. The net, known for relaying surface observations into the National Hurricane Center, is also seeking volunteers to serve as net control operators. 

Net Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, reports HWN is preparing for what could be, yet again, an above-average hurricane season and that the net needs more amateur radio operators to help.

“We are starting early this year in preparations and looking to add more net control stations to our roster,” said Graves. “We are looking for dedicated new members willing to train to become net control operators (NCOs). While being bilingual is not a requirement, being fluent in Spanish and English or French/Creole and English is a plus.”

If you are interested in training to become a net control operator for the Hurricane Watch Net, please visit the net control information page,

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