But Grusch has yet to give a single piece of direct evidence to back any of that up — he just says he was told of the proof by someone else. The fact that Grusch used to occupy a pretty high-up position in the government isn’t good enough proof in itself, either. With hundreds of thousands of people working for the U.S. national security establishment, it’s not hard to find a few people who believe things without evidence.
After all, Grusch and Elizondo aren’t the first people to come forward like this. Every time, we only get second- and third-hand accounts of an alien conspiracy, but never any direct proof.
So you really think we’re alone in the Universe?
No — like most astronomers, I think there’s probably life out there somewhere. But there are problems with the idea that alien life is visiting us on Earth.
Say these aliens are trying to communicate with us. It seems very, very unlikely that their technology would be just advanced enough to bring them here and impress us, but not so advanced that they couldn’t just announce themselves clearly. On the other hand, if the aliens are trying to be stealthy, what are the chances that they’d be exactly advanced enough for us to notice them, but only through fleeting glimpses in ambiguous videos?
Plus, wouldn’t it be a huge coincidence for aliens to travel across the galaxy to visit us, only to appear in a way that fits exactly what we expect from sci-fi books and movies?