Shuttle MMT Green Lights Continuing Endeavour Countdown

The shuttle Mission Management Team is giving space shuttle Endeavour’s launch team the green light to continue the countdown for Monday’s 8:56 a.m. EDT liftoff. The MMT met this afternoon at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and reviewed how launch preparations for Endeavour’s STS-134 mission are progressing.

During a news conference on NASA Television following the MMT, Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach said the countdown is going extremely well and the team is ready to go.

The forecast still calls for a 70 percent chance of acceptable weather at launch time.

On Kennedy’s Launch Pad 39A, the rotating service structure is scheduled to be moved away from Endeavour starting at noon on Sunday. Endeavour’s external fuel tank is scheduled to be filled beginning at 11:36 p.m. Live NASA TV fueling commentary will begin at 11:30 p.m.