Astronauts Progress Through Spacewalk Tasks

Astronaut Drew Feustel reported that the ammonia servicing jumper has been vented with no issues.

Meanwhile, Mission Control has decided to modify the lubrication effort of the P3 solar alpha rotary joint astronaut Mike Fincke will perform during this spacewalk. The joint has 22 protective insulation covers. The original plan called for opening covers 12, 13, 16, 17, 8 and 9. However, during removal of covers 16 and 17, bolts and washers came loose from the cover. At least one bolt and one washer were lost overboard. The other bolts were captured and stowed in a bag. Mission Control is concerned about any more bolts or washers coming free.

Therefore, the modified plan calls for minimizing the number of covers Fincke removes. He will continue with removing covers 16, 13 and 9. He will use a modified removal process using his hands to make the final turns that loosen and remove the bolts to remove the covers. The modified plan calls for lubricating the solar alpha rotary joint underneath those areas only.