AOC takes on Tough Mudder

Six members of the 614th Air and Space Operations Center here will see if they have what it takes to conquer one of the toughest races in the world May 28 at the Tough Mudder in Southern California’s Snow Valley.

Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Alex Hernandez; Tech. Sgt. Gavin Iteen and Staff Sgts. Brandon Lirio and Reuben Peralta; Marine Sgt. Chris Pettingill; and Army Sgt. Daniel Pineda have come together to form the “Sons of Atlas.”

“The team was formed with the intention to build camaraderie between the services,” said Sgt. Lirio. “As the weeks in this training went on, the uniform color faded, and the only thing that mattered was the team and our goals of completing this training and completing this event.”