Sixth Longest Spacewalk in History Complete

Astronauts Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke completed an eight hour, seven minute spacewalk at 10:12 a.m. EDT Sunday, the 6th longest spacewalk in history. They completed all planned tasks, including refilling one of the station’s cooling loops with ammonia and lubricating one of the station’s massive solar alpha rotary joints.

This was the second of the four STS-134 spacewalks, for a mission total of 14 hours 26 minutes. It was the 246th spacewalk conducted by U.S. astronauts, the 116th from space station airlocks, and the 157th in support of space station assembly and maintenance, totaling 988 hours, 19 min. It was Feustel’s fifth spacewalk for a total time of 35 hours and 24 minutes; he is 30th on the all-time list. It was Fincke’s seventh spacewalk for a total time of 34 hours and 19 minutes; he is 32nd on the all-time list.