NASA fosters innovative ways to understand biodiversity

The yellow-billed cuckoo has soft brown wings, a white belly, a long tail with black and…

Can standardized testing capture learning potential?

However much they are dreaded and bemoaned, standardized tests remain a big part of the education…

Alien frog invasion wreaks havoc on natural habitat

Indiscriminate feeding by an alien population of the carnivorous spotted-thighed frog—could severely affect the native biodiversity…

Sustainable plastics vital for greener world

Creating sustainable plastics is vital for the future of our environment, a new report says. …

Levitated timepiece sets new benchmark

A new mechanical “clock” has been created by an international team of researchers, led by scientists…

Study proposes new strategies for social distancing

Lifting the lockdown in favor of strategic distancing, could lead to improved compliance with official recommendations…

Philippine volcanic eruption could prompt El Nino warming next winter

Climatologists have found that if an ongoing Philippine volcanic eruption becomes more violent, the gases released…

Single molecules captured on video at an unprecedented 1,600 frames per second

A team including researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo has successfully…

Active particles with light-switchable propulsion direction and reversible interactions

Researchers from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, ETH in Zurich and the…

Why developing nerve cells can take a wrong turn

A group of scientists from CECAD has found a mechanism by which neurodevelopmental diseases concerning neurons…