X-ray Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Fe-Containing Phases in Terrestrial Field Environments and Implications for Materials Detected on Mars

Abstract: Recent analyses of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from the CheMin instrument using the FULLPAT program…

Generating Excitement and Increasing Awaressness of NASA Planetary Science and Astromaterials Assets

Abstract: Students, educators, the public, and the scientific community are so often inspired by NASA science…

Spectral Properties of Hydrated Poorly Crystalline Materials for Spectral Analysis of the Moon and Mars

Abstract: Visible/near-infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectra of both Mars [1] and the Moon [2] include hydration bands…

A Diversity of Calcium-Rich Carbonates in EETA 79001

Abstract: Carbonate minerals of martian origin are present in several martian meteorites in trace concentrations (less…

In Situ Coordinated Analysis of Carbonaceous Chondrite Organic Matter

Abstract: Microanalytical studies of carbonaceous chondrites (CC’s) have identified a vast array of isotopically, chemically and…

Electron Beam Damage in Apatite: Limitations for SKa Measurements of S6+/?S

Abstract: In magmatic systems, the availabil- ity of excess oxygen that can react with multivalent elements…

Isolation and Monitoring of Cleanroom-Associated Microbial Contaminates From Geological Collections

Abstract: Microbial contamination is of particular interest to geological curation as many microorganisms can change mineral…

Geochemistry of Diagenetic Fluids and Sedimentary Protolith of Gale Crater

Abstract: The geochemical composition of the sediments of Gale crater can be modeled using two component…

Estimated Refractive Indices of Calcite, Dolomite, and Magnesite: ~0.3-500 M.

Abstract: Carbonate minerals are germane to questions involving volatile and climate history on Mars [e.g., 1-2].…

An Integrated Approach to Weather Radar Calibration and Monitoring Using Ground Clutter and Satellite Comparisons

Abstract: The stability and accuracy of weather radar reflectivity calibration are imperative for quantitative applications, such…