NASA TV to Air Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch, Prelaunch Activities

NASA TV to Air Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch, Prelaunch Activities Click here for original…

The future's uncertain, but noradrenaline can help us adapt

A brain chemical called noradrenaline is responsible for our responses to uncertain situations – helping us…

Circular RNA regulates neuronal differentiation by scaffolding an inhibitory transcription complex

In a screening for a functional impact to the neuronal differentiation process, researchers identified a specific…

New green materials could power smart devices using ambient light

Researchers have developed environmentally friendly materials that could harvest enough energy from indoor light to power…

A few kilograms weight loss nearly halves the risk of diabetes

Losing a few kilograms in weight almost halves people’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes –…

Computer vision app allows easier monitoring of diabetes

A computer vision technology developed by engineers has now been developed into a free mobile phone…

East African Rift System is slowly breaking away, with Madagascar splitting into pieces

The African continent is slowly separating into several large and small tectonic blocks along the diverging…

Genes in Space winning student experiment launches to International Space Station with Crew-1

Genes in Space winning student experiment launches to International Space Station with Crew-1 Click…

Zinc-ion hybrid capacitors with ideal anions in the electrolyte show extra-long performance

Metal-ion hybrid capacitors combine the properties of capacitors and batteries. One electrode uses the capacitive mechanism,…

Drawing the line to answer art's big questions

Algorithms have shown that the compositional structure of Western landscape paintings changed ‘suspiciously’ smoothly between 1500…