Automated Transfer Vehicle Control Centre

On Thursday 17 April ESA Director of Human Spaceflight, Mr Jörg Feustel-Büechl, will sign a contract…

Satellite Navigation for Europe

The European Space Agency will be joining forces with the European Commission in a major contribution…

Beagle-2 lander

The Beagle-2 lander, to be carried on ESA's Mars Express, is equipped with a suite of…

How far can a dentist’s drill go?

When ESA’s Mars Express reaches the Red Planet in December 2003, there will be a drill…

First European Node for the International Space Station ready

Node 2 will be formally delivered to the European Space Agency by ASI, the Italian Space…

A fun way to learn about space

Find out more about space by playing ESA’s new online space game. Designed for students aged…

ESA and Hungary to develop closer relations

On Monday 7 April, in Budapest, H.E. Mr Kálmán Kovács, Hungarian Minister of Informatics, and Mr…

opportunities for business in space

At the Hanover Fair 2003, ESA will present the wide range of opportunities for commercial utilisation…

Successful launch for Maxus 5

The European Space Agency’s Maxus 5 sounding rocket mission was successfully launched on 1 April at…

Splashing down on Titan’s oceans

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is a mysterious place. Its thick atmosphere is rich in organic compounds.…