Climate care: remote life, better life?


Replay of a live streamed conversation on 4 May 2020, with European experts on caring for the planet, following the drop in gas emissions due to coronavirus containment measures.

Environmental pollution has fallen significantly since governments across Europe implemented stay-at-home policies. Nitrogen dioxide levels in some European capitals have more than halved.

Guests during the live discussion reflected on climate change, its impact on human life and how the COVID-19 pandemic could shape our future.

* Josef Aschbacher, Director of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA
* Jakob Blasel, Fridays for Future
* Alfredo Roma, Economist and Consultant
* Paolo Vineis, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology, Imperial College London
* Jan Wörner, ESA Director General
The discussion was moderated by Donatella Ponziani, Downstream Gateway Officer at ESA.

This is the first webinar in a series of five taking place in May and June, see ESA in a post-COVID world for more details.

Click here for original story, Climate care: remote life, better life?

Source: ESA Space News